Can You Carry Off The Extra Pounds
And That Puffy Face
That Are Just Facial Swelling?

This is when aromatherapy gets intricate.

Your facial swelling only needs to be very slight and it canmake you look like you have put a bit of weight on. It seems to me that loads of you seem to suffer from the water retention menopause blues for instance. It chips away at your self confidence if you are not careful and that's never good.

There are many, many home remedies water retention hate- for instance dandelion tea- but they are really strong!

I have to say that anything that makes me have to go to the toilet more- you can keep it thanks!

You are safe on that point, our puffy face formula tackles the problem in a delicate way. The effects are subtle but noticable.

The oils are of course diuretic to a certain degree but they won't have you diving off to the loo every five minutes.

This formula, like all the rest is a complimentary addition to your choice of skincare. You pay no extra so if you think that you need it, remember this is YOUR CREAM.

We are creating the skincare just for you.

So ask us to put it in.

After all whats the point of gorgeous smooth soft skin if it still looks puffy?

Which base shall we use to get rid of your facial swelling?

Incidently facial lymphatic drainage massage could make a big difference too...why don't you give that a try alongside it?

We have facial oils available but there is nothing to stop you just having a go at the facial massage technique

on its own.

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